In March 1994, the stock of “Tongji Technology” was listed and traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with the stock code 600846 and the abbreviation Tongji Technology.
In 2021, the actual controller of company changed to Yangpu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which not only implementing the Party Central Committee and State council's major decisions and plans about university-run company system reformation, but also optimizing state-owned asset allocation. The equity transfer deeply promotes cooperation between the Yangpu District and Tongji University, and propels the company’s sustainable and healthy
DetailsDecision-Making Consulting;Project Management;Civil Construction;Operation And Maintenance;Investment And Financing;Digital Intelligence Empowerment;
深耕城鄉(xiang)發(fa)展 積極擔當作為——同(tong)濟(ji)科(ke)技(ji)幹(gan)部職(zhi)工(gong)學習貫徹黨的二十屆三中全會精神(shen)(一)
Details 2024-09-03共學共進(jin)促發(fa)展 人民城市(shi)新實踐 | 公司黨委(wei)與楊浦(pu)區建設(she)和管理工(gong)作黨委(wei)開展聯組學習
Details 2024-08-16楊浦(pu)區國資(zi)委(wei)黨委(wei)召(zhao)開傳(chuan)達(da)十一屆區委(wei)九次(ci)全會會議精神(shen)專題會議
Details 2024-08-02不忘初心、為民服務 同(tong)濟(ji)科(ke)技(ji)助(zhu)力楊浦(pu)美(mei)麗(li)家園建設(she)
Details活動預告|數字賦能 創建零碳——綠色低碳數智化(hua)實現路(lu)徑(jing)研(yan)討會